At DNA Cleaning, our deep cleaning solutions are designed to maintain every corner of your business. Focused on a high level of cleanliness and attention to detail, we ensure that the hard-to-reach areas are given the proper care and cleaning they need. With our expertise , we tackle all the tough cleaning jobs that keep your environment looking and feeling fresh. Our goal is to provide you with a cleaner and healthier workplace for your employees and clients alike. We took care to list our most popular Deep Cleaning Services below, but every business has unique needs. If the service you require isn't listed below, chances are that our highly trained crews still offer it! Reach out through call or email and we work to get you on your journey to a cleaner, healthier workplace.
Extract stains from carpet and furniture
Remove old dull wax from tile floors
Steam and re-seal dirty grout lines
Clean up grease and grime from high traffic areas
Get rid of dust and allergens from high up places
Shine, buff, and polish waxed and stone floors
Call or email today to start your journey to a cleaner, healthier space.
(847) 726-9500
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Don't be shy, get in contact with DNA to take your first steps into a cleaner, healthier workplace!